Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What's so special about personal drones?

Have you ever wondered what your house looked like, from a true bird's eye view? How about how they get those amazing video shots up in the air at a unique angle? Your answer: Drones.

Personal drones are becoming more and more popular, as people are finding more uses for them. Mostly, drones are used for capturing video footage. From a movie standpoint, you can use drones to capture cinematic shots of going over a cliff out into the ocean. Or, for the more simple-minded, there are smaller drones that have a GoPro attachment where you can attach your GoPro to the Drone and capture footage that way. This is more for house tours, picture taking, action/adventure shots, and personal usage.
This type of drone, or Octocopter,is used to capture more cinematic shots as it has a built in stabilizer and can carry a much heavier/better video recorder. With that said, a person on the ground can control where the Octocotper goes, as well as the movement of the recorder. With that being said, these drones can cost up to 15k, so you have to be extremely careful, because sometimes, things can get out of hand.

For the average person off the street, this drone would be much better for you, as it is much cheaper and you only need a GoPro as a camera!


  1. I'm throwing my money at the screen, where is my drone? Very nice blog Nate, cool background by the way. One question, how do they work?

  2. I want one! Doesn't the government use hi-tech drones??

  3. I really enjoyed reading this blog! Nice going Nate!

  4. Always though drones were pretty cool, waiting for when you can fly them with lasers and play laser tag with them on a larger scale. Hopefully that will become mainstream as I'd find it fun.

  5. Very interesting, short and simple blog Nathan. Is it legal to own and use drones everywhere in the U.S. or are they banned in certain areas?

  6. Very interesting Nathan! Do they have to be government regulated at all?

  7. Awesome blog! This is very interesting , how do they work?
