A while ago in New York City, an inexperienced man decided to fly a drone up and around the tall buildings and overlook the entire city. The video footage shows that the drone had hit buildings "unintentionally" and had the true hawk eye view of the people down below. After crashing, the drone fell from the sky and almost hit someone. In response, NYC is beginning to pass laws and regulations about the air space up and about the city and buildings. Here, the FAA does claim the drone should have not been flying up that high.
For this very reason, some states have taken action in how to handle these situations. New York, however, has not taken any action because this was a problem on the handler's end, as he was inexperienced. On a less serious note, John Oliver talks about the strikes as well, but with more of a sense of humor. Depending on how far you watch, he says that surveys have shown that 65% of US residents approve the use of these drones, but for military uses. Next blog? Drones on military usage and states' laws! (Beginning to 3:15 is very good)
I would agree that laws to regulate drone flight should be placed in areas especially like New York City in order to prevent injuries to people or damage to property. Keep investigating!